We welcome all questions and comments regarding our care

We are more than interested in receiving ANY opinions or views from Residents (and their Relatives or Agents) on any of the services they receive from us. It is always pleasant to have nice things said about what you do. It can also be very useful to hear what Residents think of what you do and the way you do it; we will be particularly pleased to receive constructive criticism; after all, who knows best what Residents need but the Residents themselves, and you may be able to help us to do what we do better. Most particularly, we want to know of ANYconcern, dissatisfaction, niggle, or worry, however slight, felt by anyone with whom we have any dealings of any sort. Only by knowing of these can we provide explanation or put things right.

2.1 In the first instance, we hope that you will feel able to come to us with your concerns. Please ask ANY member of staff, or ask to speak with Senior staff if you wish. Staff have been instructed carefully as to what to do if anyone contacts with any comment, concern or complaint. Please bear with us if something else important is happening at the time you want to make comment or express concern or complaint, as we will want to pay proper attention to what you have to say and may ask you to wait for a short time.

2.2 It may be that your comment, concern or complaint can be dealt with easily, and that you will be happy to leave it with the verbal answer given by Staff. However, where necessary, Staff have been instructed to make a written report of such matters. This may include a description of the comment, concern or complaint and the response given or way it was resolved, so please do not be put off if staff want to take some notes.

2.3 It may be that you consider your comment, concern or complaint merits more significant action. If so, we suggest that you consider whether or not you would prefer some time to think about it and, for the avoidance of any doubt, we would prefer it if you would put it in writing, if possible. If you do, please address it, in the first instance, to the Home Manager. BUT, you are still free also to express such comment, concern or complaint verbally to the Home Manager if you wish. Again, in this case, the Home Manager may feel it appropriate to make notes.

2.4 In the event that your concern or complaint remains unresolved after having raised it formally with the Home Manager, you are free also to make your comment, concern or complaint known the Director. Again, for the avoidance of any doubt, we would prefer this to be in writing if possible. In this instance, please address any such concerns to:

The Director
The Cedars Rest Home Limited
P.O. Box 142
Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6GE

Any comments, concerns or complaints received by the Home Manager or the Director will receive a reply normally within 72 hours and in any event no later than 7 days from receipt, whether or not a meeting has taken place to discuss any points raised. If it is not possible to finalise the reply to your complaint, you will receive a progress report within 7 days, and a final answer within no more than 14 days.

3.1 All written and, where necessary, verbal complaints will be recorded in the Complaints File held at the Home, together with a description of any action taken or response given.

3.2 In this way, complaints will be treated properly, will form part of quality control systems, and may be used to modify future operation, where appropriate.

4.1 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for registering and inspecting this Home and for keeping a watching brief on the services we provide. Each individual has an absolute right to express comments, concerns or complaints directly to the Commission, without talking to us first, if they wish.

4.2 Of course, in the spirit of openness and fairness, we hope that you will feel able to come to us first and give us the opportunity to investigate and put matters right if necessary, BUT, we recognise and respect your right to make other contacts, either before and/or after you have spoken/written to us.

4.3 If you wish to express comment, concern or complaint to the Commission, this may be done in writing or by telephone to:

Care Quality Commission
3rd Floor, Unit 1 Tustin Court, Port Way, Preston, PR2 2YQ
Telephone: 01772 730 100 Fax: 01772 730 176
Email: enquiries.northwest@cqc.org.uk

Any comments, concerns or complaints received by the Home Manager or the Director will receive a reply normally within 72 hours and in any event no later than 7 days from receipt, whether or not a meeting has taken place to discuss any points raised. If it is not possible to finalise the reply to your complaint, you will receive a progress report within 7 days, and a final answer within no more than 14 days.

5.1 It may be that you want to make a comment or complaint to the Local Authority or the local Health Authority. This may be about matters involving The Cedars Rest Home Ltd., or services you receive directly from these authorities. In either event, we hope you will feel able to come to us first, when we may be able to resolve the matter for you, or on your behalf, or assist you in making the comment or complaint. We recognise and respect, however, that you may wish to make direct contact yourself, without our involvement.

5.2 Comment or Complaint to the Local Authority:

5.2.1 If your placement at The Cedars Rest Home Ltd. is assisted by a Local Authority other than Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council, the address will be on documents supplied to you by that Authority.

5.2.2 If your placement is assisted by Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council, or you wish to make comment or complaint to Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council for any reason, it should be in writing or by telephone to:

The Strategic Director of Social Services and Well-being,
Trafford MBC, Trafford Town Hall, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0YT
Telephone: 0161-912-1212

5.2.3 If you remain aggrieved, even after (or perhaps as a result of) the Local Authority’s investigation of or dealing with your comment or complaint, you can complain further. Such complaint should be made to the Local Ombudsman. Usually these complaints are made through a Local Councillor, who should be prepared to assist you to make your complaint. In certain circumstances it is possible to complain direct to the Ombudsman, and the Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to assist. The appropriate address is:

Local Government Ombudsman
Beverley House, 17 Shipton Road, York, YO3 6FZ
Telephone: 01904-663200

Please note that the Local Ombudsman is allowed only to investigate certain types of complaints. We regret that the restrictions are too complicated to detail here, but ask that you be prepared for the Ombudsman not to be able/allowed to investigate your complaint.

5.3 Comment or Complaint to the Local Health Authority:

5.3.1 All relevant health services, supplied to or at The Cedars Rest Home Ltd. for residents, are provided by the Health Authority local to The Cedars Rest Home Ltd. If you wish to make comment or complaint to the Health Authority you may do so in writing or by telephone to:

Trafford South NHS Primary Care Trust, Oaklands House,
34 Washway Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 6FS
Telephone : 0161-968-3700

5.3.2 If you remain aggrieved, even after (or perhaps as a result of) the Health Authority’s investigation of or dealing with your comment or complaint, you can complain further. Such complaint should be made to the Health Service Ombudsman. The appropriate address is:
The Health Service Ombudsman for England,
13th Floor, Millbank Tower, Millbank,
London. SW1P 4QP
Telephone: 0207-217-4051

Please note that the Health Service Ombudsman is allowed only to investigate certain types of complaints. We regret that the restrictions are too complicated to detail here, but ask that you be prepared for the Ombudsman not to be able/allowed to investigate your complaint.


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