We are delighted to announce The Cedars care home has passed its latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection with flying colours.

During an unannounced visit on September 13th the commission’s auditors evaluated and approved our performance against 5 key standards:
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  • Respecting and involving people who use services
  • Care and welfare of people who use services
  • Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
  • Complaints
  • Requirements relating to workers



CQC inspectors spoke in private with three different visiting relatives, four residents and several members of The Cedars care team including the home manager.[quote align=”left” color=”#999999″]“Everybody who we talked to was positive about the care provided and the attitude and competence of the staff.”[/quote]

The report noted, “Everybody who we talked to was positive about the care provided and the attitude and competence of the staff. People living at the home were treated with respect and had their dignity and privacy maintained. People could choose whether to spend their time communally or in their rooms”.

Staff were described by residents as being very kind, helpful and easy to deal with and praised by one visiting relative for “always knowing what my mothers condition is”.

The full report can be found here.